Sun, Wind and Dust Goggle (SWDG, MIL-G-43914)

Tuesday January 5th, 2016 admin

The goggle consists of an injection molded rubber frame with a polyurethane foam backing with a skin that contacts the face. The rubber frame holds the lens while the foam provides a seal between the face and goggle frame. The goggle is compatible with standard military prescription eyewear. Flannel covered […]

Ballistic-Laser Protective Spectacles (BLPS)

Monday January 4th, 2016 admin

The BLPS effort was initiated by the Medical R&D Command in 1986, based on a requirement (SN-CIE) for ballistic and laser eye protection approved in 1984. The BLPS were Type Classified-Limited Procurement/Urgent in 1989 and fielded during Desert Shield/Storm. The BLPS were product improved by Natick RD&E Center based on […]

Special Protective Eyewear Cylindrical System (SPECS)

Monday January 4th, 2016 admin

The Special Protective Eyewear, Cylindrical System (SPECS) program was initiated in 1991, and is based on a requirement, approved in 1984, for ballistic and laser eye protection. SPECS successfully completed evaluation and was Type Classified Standard in May 1995. The first contract for production of SPECS was awarded for 1Q-FY97, […]