Equipment Load Carrying System The SPEAR Equipment Load Carrying System (ELCS) is divided into two basic categories of components, as follows: a. Platform Components – Those items which pouches and accessories attach to (for example, Panel Set, Belt Assembly or H-Harness Assembly) , or which support the items which accept […]
They are parts of Marine Lightweight SPIE/LBE System, the LBE sub-system. Stock Number Reference: Lightweight SPIE/LBE System MPN: 350-506-000 NSN: 8415-01-433-9176 Assign Date: 1996-07-13 Components Item Qty. per set MPN NSN Assign Date Vest, Load Bearing 1 350-506-101 8415-01-440-9528 1997-01-29 Pocket, Ammunition Magazine, 40mm 2 350-506-116 8465-01-440-5885 1997-01-17 Pocket, […]
Early issued three-pocket grenade carrier, holds 3 MK-2 Fragmentation Grenade (later model held 6). It can be attached to the pistol or cartridge belt, two leg straps will prevent it from flapping. Shown one dated 1944, JQMD. Stock Number Reference: Carrier, Grenade, 3-Pocket Army Stock Number: 74-C-123
Stock Number Reference: Vest, Carrier, Grenade, M-79 SIZE Stock Number Small 8465-NTK-6531 Medium 8465-NTK-6532 1st Prototype: 1966-01-11 issued, made in double-ply nylon cheesecloth mesh
Shown one circa 1974, medium size. Enhanced from early plastic snap version, the top four pocket were extended for special and non-lethal 40mm grenade. The medium size vest has capacity for 10 high-explosive 40mm grenades and 2 special 40mm grenades on each side (20 HE 40mm grenades and 4 special […]
Stock Number Reference: MOLLE, Grenadier Set NSN: 8465-01-524-7624 Assign Date: 2005-02-01 Components: Name Qty NSN Assign Date MOLLE, Pouch, 40mm High Pyrotechnic Double 2 8465-01-524-7636 2005-02-01 MOLLE, Pouch, 40 mm High Explosive Double 4 8465-01-524-7628 2005-02-01 MOLLE, Pouch, 40mm High Explosive Single 10 8465-01-524-7624 2005-02-01
Issued with ILBE GEN II backpack system, 2007. They are parts of Marine ILBE system officially. Stock number reference: Item NSN Manufacture Assign Date M16/M4 Speed Reload Mag Pouch 8465-01-558-5122 Specialty Defense Systems 2007-11-13 M16/M4 Single/Double Mag Pouch 8465-01-558-5167 Fire Force 2007-11-13 9 mm Mag Pouch 8465-01-558-5105 Eagle Industries 2007-11-13 […]