Wiley X SG-1 Spectacles Series

Saturday May 20th, 2017 admin

(description copied from archived official webstore, 2003 ver.) This patent pending system provides two functions in one: converting from a fashionable sunglass to low profile goggle. Its’ ballistic, anti-fog lenses can be changed in seconds when weather or activity dictates the need. Unique “Ultra-Foam” seals the eye orbits providing protection […]

UVEX XC Spectacles

Thursday January 14th, 2016 admin

It’s a selectable production in APEL. Stock Number Reference: UVEX XC NSN: 4240-01-516-5361 Assign Date: 2004-01-09

Revision Sawfly Spectacles

Wednesday January 13th, 2016 admin

Stock Number Reference: Revision Sawfly Size NSN Assign Date Small 4240-01-607-7512 2012-06-13 Regular 4240-01-527-4051 2005-02-01 Large 4240-01-527-4018 2005-02-01

ESS ICE Series Spectacles

Wednesday January 13th, 2016 admin

Issued with grey and clear lenses. ESS ICE series used to be in APEL list, but they were removed from APEL since 2010-05-14. It’s frames are adjustable: angle and size. Stock Number Reference: Name NSN Assign Date ESS ICE 2 4240-01-525-5085 2004-11-12 ESS ICE NANO 4240-01-537-6143 2006-12-15 ESS ICE 2X […]

ESS Land OPS Goggle

Wednesday January 6th, 2016 admin

Issued with clear and gray lenses. May be wore over glasses. Stock Number Reference: ESS Land OPS Goggle Frame Color NSN Assign Date Black 4240-01-525-5101 2004-11-12 Olive Drab / Foliage Green 4240-01-540-5576 2006-05-24 Desert Tan / Tan 499 4240-01-540-5580 2006-05-24

ESS Crossbow & Crossbow Supressor

Wednesday January 6th, 2016 admin

Both kind of spectacles issue with clear and grey lens, Crossbow takes part in APEL list (I’m not sure if Crossbow Suppressor takes part, although it was assigned an NSN code). Crosshair has better compatibility using with helmet or headset, since it’s frame is thinner than Crossbow. Stock Number Reference: […]

Oakley SI M Frame Ballistic 3.0 Spectacles

Tuesday January 5th, 2016 admin

New spectacles use new ARGO lens cut, but the frame is still compatible with 2.0’s lens (Strike or Hybrid cut). Frame in four color: black, desert tan, Multicam, dark bone, thinner than 2.0 frame, more comfortable while wearing with helmet and headset. Stock Number Reference: Oakley SI M Frame 3.0 […]

Oakley SI M Frame Ballistic 2.0 Spectacles

Tuesday January 5th, 2016 admin

Takes part in APEL list. Origin kit just include clear and gray lens, but Oakley also products various replacement lens, in photo there is a extra VR28 Hybrid lens in orange color. Stock Number Reference: Oakley SI M Frame 2.0 Kit Name NSN Assign Date SI Ballistic M Frame 2.0 […]

ESS Profile NVG Goggles

Monday January 4th, 2016 admin

Even in the same color, they still have difference in detail by year of manufacture. They take parts in APEL. Stock Number Reference: ESS Profile NVG Unit Issue Frame Color NSN Assign Date Olive Drab Green 4240-01-504-6222 2003-02-03 Black 4240-01-504-5706 2003-02-03 Desert Tan 4240-01-504-5727 2003-02-03 Foliage Green 4240-01-540-5585 2006-05-24 Terrain […]

Authorized Protective Eyewear List Posters Collection

Friday November 27th, 2015 admin

The Authorized Protective Eyewear List (APEL) is a list of protective eyewear tested and approved by the U.S. Military for use by its soldiers. It was created in 2006 because statistics showed that about 10% of battlefield injuries at that time included eye injuries. The APEL is updated periodically and […]