1941-1945, The Greatest War on the earth ever.

Mountain Ski Goggle (WWII)
Stock Number Reference: Goggle, Ski Mountain Army Stock Number: 74-G-79
1941-1945, The Greatest War on the earth ever.
Stock Number Reference: Goggle, Ski Mountain Army Stock Number: 74-G-79
Small canvas pouch for spare bolt of .30 Browning Machine Gun. Stock Number Reference: Case, Spare Bolt, M-2 Stock Number: C.59656
Sight assembly for M-76 Grenade Launcher, can be used on M-1903 Springfield, M-1 Garland Rifle, M-1 Carbine and M-14 7.62mm Rifle. Manual Reference: TM 9-1005-234-14P TM 9-1005-223-34 Stock Number Reference: Sight, Grenade Launcher, M-15 Part No.: 5750053 FSN: 1005-344-6156 Assign Date: Unknown Part List Name FSN Army Stock Number […]
The M12 has been identified as being the tool roll for various weapons, including Browning Automatic Rifle, Thompson Sub Machine Gun and the Browning .30 cal. Machine gun. Stock Number Reference: Tool Roll, M-12 Stock Number: D.7389 Content list (source) Pocket No. Item Stock Number 1 Bolt tool 7313298 2 […]
Stock Number Reference: Kit, First Aid, Aeronautic, Type IV Item No Name Qty. per set 9777000 Kit, First-Aid, Aeronautic, Container 1 9103800 Burn Injury Set, Boric Acid Ointment 1 9109510 Eye Dressing Set 1 9115700 Morphine Tartrate, 1 Tube 2 9120400 Sulfadiazine, 8 Tablets 1 9121100 Sulfanilamide, Crystalline, 5, 5-Gm Envelopes […]
The jungle soldier is provided with two rubberized fabric bladders, each displacing between six and eight pounds of water. These bladders can be easily and rapidly inflated by blowing through a small rubber tube and then closing this tube by trucking the end under a fabric loop. When inflated the […]
Stock Number Reference: Item Army Stock Number Piton, Mountain, Type I, Rock, Horizontal 74-P-133-15 Piton, Mountain, Type II, Rock, Vertical 74-P-133-20 Piton, Mountain, Type III, Rock, Wafer 74-P-133-25 Piton, Mountain, Type IV, Ice 74-P-133-30 Piton, Mountain, Type V, Rock, Angle 74-P-133-35
The US Navy Diaphragm (ND) Mark IV Gas Mask was made in 1943-44 to replace the Mark III. The Mark III featured small oval-ish eye lenses, while the Mark IV features large semi-triangular eye lenses, providing more field of vision. The size of the Mark IV is “U” which means […]
Stock Number Reference: Leggings, Canvas, Dismounted, M-1938 OD3 Khaki Shade Size Army Stock Number 1R 72-L-61883 2R 72-L-61889 3R 72-L-61895 4R 72-L-61901
Goggles manufactured in heavy gauge olive drab painted steel with a series of six horizontal slit cut-outs for each eye. Simple corduroy face padding at the upper and lower edge and an adjustable elastic strap. Issued about 1944 and rarely worn by aircrews due to their limited visibility, but they […]
J.Q.M.D, 1942. Stock Number Reference: Bags, Mail, Canvas, With Leather Bottom, Top And Locking Strap Army Stock Number: 24-B-600
The M-3 Flak helmet was the first helmet designed expressly for use by American bomber crews. The M-3 has large hinged ear covers on its sides to accommodate a communications headset; the covers were originally lined with felt. Unlike M-1 helmets, the M-3 features a built-in suspension system. The headband […]
Navy contract M-1938 Leggings. Nomenclature and stock number acquired.
This pouch was designed for the invasion of the Japan Home Islands, but failed to see during the combat operation. Stock Number Rerference: (Nomenclature and stock number acquired)
The plotting board M10 is a fire control instrument designed to assist the operator in computing and plotting firing data. The plotting board is sturdy, simple to operate, accurate, and easilyt adopted to use by computers in the field. It carried in a durable canvas case. Stock Number Reference: […]
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