~1941.The Great War or earlier

M1918 Double Magazine Pocket
Shown one circa 1918, LCC.Co Production. Stock Number Reference: Pocket, Magazine, Web, Double, M-1918 Army Stock Number: 74-P-170
~1941.The Great War or earlier
Shown one circa 1918, LCC.Co Production. Stock Number Reference: Pocket, Magazine, Web, Double, M-1918 Army Stock Number: 74-P-170
Shown one circa 1918. Holds 6 BAR magazines, 1 leather box for spare part and accessory and two M1911 magazines. There was a steel rifle butt cup settled on the right piece of the belt, which used for “walking fire” (or hip fire). BAR magazines were carried in special […]
Circa 1919, produced by R.I.A. (Rock Isle Armory) Holds 5 magazines. Nomenclature acquired.
Circa 1917 Pouch, First Aid Packet, M1910 Army Stock Number: 74-P-255
Holds 11 MK 1 hand grenade. Circa 1918, over 100 years old. No known stock number.
Stock number unknown. It’s long “handle” is to attach to the hang point on M1910/1917 haversack, the same hang point for M1910 T-handle shovel. Often used as first aid pouch.
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