Air Force Joint First Aid Kit, Individual AFSOC Version, ABU

For AFSOC Personnel Use Only!

The AFSOC IFAK provides AFSOC Airmen first aid capability to treat injuries sustained in the line-of-duty.

  • Installation. When used in various major kits, or standard mobility bags, the USAF activity responsible for assembling the major items will install this kit. When issued as an item of individual equipment on AF Form 538 or 1297, the kit will be worn on a vertical strap of field clothing except during bail out procedures.
  • Marking. Markings on each kit shall include the nomenclature, NSN (for the kit and case), and the expiration date of the earliest expiring module. TQ markings include “TQ” in bold black lettering, NSN, Manufacturer, and date of manufacture/lot.
  • Inspection. Using activities will return unserviceable kits to ML for inspection/reconstitution. Kits are considered unserviceable if the DD form 1574 is not attached or components are expired. Inspect both TQ and pouch. Inspect buckles, rod and locking clips on TQ for chips/cracks, ensure straps are not split, frayed or over stretched.
  • Sealing/Tagging. Prior to issuing this kit to using activities, ML will ensure the kit has been tagged as outlined in this paragraph. The kit will be tagged as follows: Using a universal seal (plastic zip-tie), pass through eyelet of DD form 1574and through zipper enclosure ring. If operation is performed correctly, you will be unable to open the kit without breaking theseal. This method provides positive external visual indication of kit serviceability.
  • Kits that are maintained in inventory will have a DD Form 1574 attached. If the kit does not have a DD Form 1574attached, it will be removed from inventory, re-inspected and tagged. Kits will not be issued by ML without a properly completed DD form 1574. DD Form 1574 will clearly identify nomenclature, NSN, expiration date and lot number.
  • Packing. Components are packaged individually. If the integrity of the packaging is compromised, the kit is considered unserviceable and must be returned to ML for disposal.
  • Sustainment. The AFSOC JFAK is a one-time use kit. This kit will not be returned to inventory if the seal has been broken and/or the carrier is visibly damaged. The AFSOC JFAK has a 60 month non extendable shelf-life, and the kit will not be issued with less than 6 months shelf life remaining. Upon expiration, the AFSOC JFAK will be turned into ML for disposal. Serviceable tourniquets and carrier pouches should be removed from unserviceable kits. If serviceable, these can be reused in an AFSOC JFAK without TQ configuration.


Source: Technical Manual: Instructions For Procurement, Issue, Use, And maintenance Of Medical Kits (TO 00-35A-39)


Stock Number Reference:

Joint First Aid Kit, Individual, AFSOC

NSN: 6545-01-644-0653

Assign Date: 2015-04-21

Item Qty. Per Set NSN Assign Date
14 Ga. X 3.25 In. Decompression Needle 1 ea. 6515-01-541-0635 2006-06-14
Vented Chest Seal 1 ea. 6510-01-624-0840 2013-12-16
Compressed Gauze 2 ea. 6510-01-503-2117 2002-12-09
Pressure Bandage 2 ea. 6510-01-598-8418 2011-08-30
Gloves 2 pr. 6515-01-632-0059 2014-10-03
Nasopharyngeal Airway/Lubricating Jelly Combo 1 ea. 6515-01-529-1187 2005-04-05
Eye Shield 2 ea. 6515-01-630-5551 2014-08-08
Safety Cutting Hook 1 ea. 5110-01-578-4889 2009-10-07
Mini Marker 1 ea. (P/N 35124)
Combat Medic Tape 1 ea. 6510-01-549-0927 2007-03-12
Hemostatic Dressing 2 ea. 6510-01-562-3325 2008-04-04
Cravat 1 ea. 6510-01-587-6579 2010-08-16
Tourniquet 2 ea. 6515-01-521-7976 2004-07-06
TCCC Card 1 ea. (DD Form 1380)
JFAK Bag 1 ea. 8465-01-633-7981 2014-12-04
Tourniquet Pouch 2 ea. 8465-01-633-9717 2014-12-11

Item provided by G.I.’s friend.

U.S. Air Force Col. Timothy Martinez, 379th Expeditionary Medical Group commander, builds and inspects a joint first aid kit (JFAK) with Tech. Sgt Jennifer Lotan, right, 379th Expeditionary Medical Support Squadron noncommissioned officer in charge of war rescue material, at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, June 15, 2016. During the event, the group was able to inspect and build more than 1,000 JFAKs. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Kimberly Nagle)
Members of the 379th Expeditionary Medical Support Squadron take joint first aid kits (JFAK) out of their respective boxes for inspection at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, June 15, 2016. The 379th EMSS has hosted several JFAK inspecting and building events as a way to expedite the process and get the kits to deployed members faster. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Kimberly Nagle)