Eagle Industries SAS Pouch For Diversionary/Rubber Ball Grenades, OD

(description copied from Department of Defense Nonlethal Weapons and Equipment Review: A Research Guide for Civil Law Enforcement and Corrections, National Institute of Justice special report, Oct, 2004)

Description: This pouch can carry six rubber balls or flash grenades. Velcro straps can secure it to a standard combat gear belt or to the user’s leg. The pouch is available in olive drab green and black.

Operational Capability/Use: The Eagle grenade-carrying pouch can be easily mounted on either leg and attaches quickly with Velcro.

(official description acquired)

Brand Eagle Industries
Item Name Diversionary/Rubber Ball Grenade Pouch (non-official)
Color Olive Drab
Part Number (acquired)
Date late 1990s (label style)
Reference Link https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/205293.pdf