Marine Full Spectrum Battle Equipment (FSBE), Coyote Brown

Full Spectrum Battle Equipment (FSBE)


Full Spectrum Battle Equipment (FSBE) reduces the component weight, provides a single point of release mechanism, and has an integrated breathing and flotation system. FSBE replaces the Close Quarters Battle Equipment (CQBE) Assault Vest System and the interim issue of FSBE in 2000.


  • FSBE provides ballistic protection, brief underwater breathing capability, flotation, and limited load carriage to meet the  specific mission profiles of the USMC Force Reconnaissance
    community, Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Teams (FAST), and MEU (SOC) Helicopter Assault Companies.
  • The FSBE Platoon Kit consists of wearable pouches and other specific gear to outfit a Marine platoon in battle.
  • The FSBE Individual Kit consists of wearable pouches and other specific gear to outfit an individual Marine in battle.


The FSBE will be fielded in two different kits, the Individual Kit and Platoon Kit. Each kit has four different configurations in order to satisfy the different mission of users. Configuration A kits are
fielded to Force Reconnaissance Companies, Reconnaissance Battalions, Special Operations Training Groups, and Radio Battalions. Configuration B kits are fielded to Marine Security Force Battalion FAST Companies. Configuration C kits are fielded to MEUs. Configuration D kits will be fielded to EOD Teams.

SPEAR BALCS Low Visibility Body Armor Vest (LBAV) Pre-solicitation


Source: Solder Systems Daily

Natick dropped a pre-solicitation for a new Low Viz Body Armor carrier on the street on the 15th of January while all of us were concentrating on SHOT Show. The actual solicitation which is supposed to hit the street by the end of the month is worth, “The minimum contract value will be $57,000 with a maximum value of $22,800,000.00.” SOCOM is seeking a Commercial Off The Shelf carrier and vendors will have 30 days to submit to include, “Complete proposals shall contain offerors technical, manufacturability, past performance, price and warranties to include Production Demonstration Systems (PDSs) packages. Initial Submissions will require 3 complete PDSs for each size and version of the SPEAR BALCS LVBAV.” This is for carriers only and not armor.

This requirement has been fulfilled for many years by the PACA carrier. However, it was only compatible with BALCS cut armor and plates used in the CIRAS and RBAV. This procurement demands a carrier that is compatible with both the RBAV and MBAV armor.

Finally, this is a set aside for small business. With so many companies being gobbled up by big business I wonder who is left to support this solicitation.


Marines Revamping FSBE


Source: Soldier Systems Daily

MARCORSYSCOM has issued a Sources Sought Notice for companies capable of “designing, developing, and procuring an Improved Armor Carrier Suite (IACS) that may be incorporated within the Full Spectrum Battle Equipment (FSBE).” The RFI goes on to state that, “The notional suite would consist of the following: one (1) Releasable Tactical Vest (RTV), one (1) Releasable Plate Carrier (RPC), one (1) Low-Visibility Tactical Vest (LVTV) and one (1) Low-Visibility Plate Carrier (LVPC) that support/integrate the respective armor cuts, identified hard armor inserts/ancillary armor additions and load carriage systems.” So basically, not only are they looking to update the armor carrier but also add some additional capability.

Descriptions of each component from the RFI:

The RTV will support SPEAR profile soft armor. The RTV must integrate with the SPEAR MSAP soft armor/pouches (Groin and Deltoid), SPEAR Releasable Ballistic Armored Vest (RBAV) Collar Armor System (CAS) and Improved Modular Tactical Vest (IMTV) lower back protector.

The carrier will posses PALS webbing for the mounting of modular pouches, have a single pull release located on the center of the vest below the neckline and integrate with the USMC Chest Rig without impeding the quick release of the carrier. The RTV must integrate with the USMC IMTV cummerbund and incorporate it into the release of the system without additional hardware or procedures. The RTV will incorporate an optional internal cummerbund to mitigate load. When used, the internal cummerbund will not interfere with the release of the system. The RTV will provide for an optional cummerbund that must support the carriage of the SPEAR MSAP 6×6 plate and allow for adjustment.

The RPC will support USMC PC profile soft armor. The RPC must integrate with the SPEAR MSAP soft armor/pouches (Groin and Deltoid) and IMTV lower back protector. The RPC will posses PALS webbing for the mounting of modular pouches. The RPC will have a single pull release that is identical in location, function and assembly to that of the RTV. The RPC must have the option to be worn without a cummerbund while still maintaining single pull release capability. When worn with a cummerbund, the RPC must integrate with the USMC Chest Rig without impeding the quick release of the carrier. The RPC must integrate with the USMC IMTV cummerbund and incorporate it into the release of the system without additional hardware or procedures. The RPC will provide for an optional cummerbund that must support the carriage of the SPEAR MSAP 6×6 plate and allow for adjustment.

The LVTV will support SPEAR profile soft armor. The LVTV must integrate with the SPEAR MSAP soft armor/pouches (Groin and Deltoid), SPEAR RBAV CAS and IMTV lower back protector. The carrier will integrate with the USMC Chest Rig. The LVTV must support the carriage of the SSAPI with soft armor backing and/or the SPEAR MSAP 6×6 plate and allow for adjustment.

The LVPC will support USMC PC profile soft armor. The LVPC must integrate with the SPEAR MSAP soft armor/pouches (Groin and Deltoid) and IMTV lower back protector. The LVPC must have an option to be worn without a cummerbund. When worn with a cummerbund, the LVPC must integrate with the USMC Chest Rig. The cummerbund of LVPC must support the carriage of the SSAPI with soft armor backing and/or the MSAP 6×6 plate and allow for adjustment.

First off, it’s important to note that this program is for FSBE which is not a general issue program. FSBE fielded the first cut-away armor carrier (Amphibious Assault Vest, Quick-Release) after a catastrophic helo accident in December, 1999 that resulted in the death of seven Marines who could not ditch their equipment. FSBE is designed for use by the Force Reconnaissance community, Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Teams (FAST), and MEU (SOC) Helicopter Assault Companies. Since the user community is relatively modest, the numbers aren’t really big for this program (current FSBE is around 7500 individual kits). Also, this RFI isn’t looking to replace all of FSBE’s components, but rather to revamp the armor components. In fact, the RFI states that it must be compatible with current issue pockets which we take to mean FSBE pouches and Family of Pouches as well as the Marine Corps Chest Rig.

Because the original FSBE AAV was developed before SOCOM’s SPEAR cut armor, it had a proprietary cut. Several years ago, the Marines adopted the Eagle Industries Combat Integrated Releasable Armor System (CIRAS) vest as FSBE II which uses a SPEAR cut. Moving to the SPEAR standard allowed the Marines to use soft and hard armor that is more readily available and well understood by industry as well as leverage larger purchases by other groups. The same goes for the IMTV components and PC armor already in the Marine Corps inventory.

Based on the desire to integrate with current Marine issue load carrying equipment as well as more common armor components shows that they are taking a very pragmatic approach to modernizing FSBE.

We would be remiss of we did not point out that this is still only an RFI and that the Marines are using this to find out what is in the realm of the possible so that they can develop the full requirements package. Having said that, the RFI opens the possibility of a “user evaluation”.

“A limited quantity (i.e. up to 30) of evaluation systems may be requested under a bailment agreement to support user evaluation activities based on market research results. No user evaluations are planned prior to March 2011.”

On a final note, it’s best that we leave with you with the submission cutoff. Responses should be received not later than January 13, 2011. Additionally, the USMC will have representatives attending the 2011 Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show and will be available on January 20th and 21st for 15 minute visits in a respondent’s booth.

Item Before 2011 Item After 2011
Name Manufacture Part Number NSN Name Manufacture Part Number NSN
Combat Integrated Releasable Armor System (CIRAS) Eagle Industries MC-CIRAS-S-MS-COY (SMALL)
Releasable Body Armor Vest (RBAV-AF) BAE Systems 7610-0-XS-CB
Low Visibility SPR Carrier Protective Apparel Corporation of America FSBECCSPR-S (SMALL)
Low Visibility Vest (LVV) The Resource Center CMPVESTLOWXSCYSL

Eagle Industries FSBE Medic Pouch, 2009 dated (COY, left) and 2011 dated (SCOY, 2011 dated)

The Resource Center FSBE Leg Panel, 2007 dated (left) and 2011 dated (right)



Bag, Kit

Manufacture: The Resource Center (CAGE: 7P200)

Part Number: 8415-00-NSH-0683

NSN: 8465-01-516-7955

Assign Date: 2004-01-21

FSBE Kit Bag: 2000 version (woodland, 2004 dated) and 2004 version (coyote brown, 2010 dated)


FSBE Ballistic Filler Panels

Manufacture: The Resource Center (CAGE: 7P200)

Size-NSN sheet
Size Part Number NSN Assign Date
Small FSBE-01-478-0751 8470-01-519-3108 2004-04-14
Medium FSBE-01-478-0746 8470-01-519-3112 2004-04-14
Large FSBE-01-478-0741 8470-01-519-3113 2004-04-14
X-Large FSBE-01-478-0755 8470-01-519-3114 2004-04-14


FSBE Ballistic Filler Plate

Manufacture: The Resource Center (CAGE: 7P200)

Size-NSN sheet
Size Part Number NSN Assign Date
Small FSBE-01-478-1031 8470-01-519-3116 2004-04-14
Medium FSBE-01-478-1028 8470-01-519-3118 2004-04-14
Large FSBE-01-478-1027 8470-01-519-3120 2004-04-14
X-Large FSBE-01-478-1034 8470-01-519-3122 2004-04-14


Low Visibility Soft Armor Carrier

Manufacture: The Resource Center (CAGE: 7P200), Protective Apparel Corporation of America, PACA (CAGE: 4P613)

Size-NSN sheet
Size Part Number NSN Assign Date
Small FSBECCSPR-S 8470-01-519-1067 2004-04-06
Medium FSBECCSPR-M 8470-01-519-1068 2004-04-06
Large FSBECCSPR-L 8470-01-519-1070 2004-04-06
X-Large FSBECCSPR-XL 8470-01-519-1071 2004-04-06
FSBE Low Visibility SPR Carrier (PACA made), 2007 dated
FSBE Low Visibility SPR Carrier used with FSBE MBSS Plate Carrier


FSBE Low Visible Carrier, The Resource Center made, 2012 dated

Maritime Ballistic Survival System (MBSS)

Manufacture: The Resource Center (CAGE: 7P200)

Carrier Set (Consist of Vest, Modular Assault Pack, Pocket GP MBSS w/ Light Holder, Pocket GP MBSS w/o Light Holder, MBSS/Rhodesian Adaptor)

Size-NSN sheet
Size Part Number NSN Assign Date
Small / Medium 8470-00-NSH-0013 8470-01-516-8448 2004-01-22
Large / X-Large 8470-00-NSH-0014 8470-01-516-8449 2004-01-22

Vest, MBSS, Plate Carrier, Front & Back

Size-NSN sheet
Size Part Number NSN Assign Date
Small / Medium 8470-00-NSH-0005 8470-01-516-8446 2004-01-22
Large / X-Large 8470-00-NSH-0006 8470-01-516-8447 2004-01-22

FSBE MBSS Front Carrier

FSBE MBSS Back Carrier


Adaptor, MBSS/Rhodesian

Manufacture: The Resource Center (CAGE: 7P200)

Part Number: 8470-00-NSH-0017

NSN: 8470-01-516-8455

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

MBSS/Rhodesian Adaptor, 2010 dated


Modular Assault Pack

Manufacture: The Resource Center (CAGE: 7P200)

Part Number: 8470-00-NSH-0012

NSN: 8470-01-516-8452

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE Modular Assault Pack, 2007 dated


Pocket GP MBSS w/ Light Holder

Manufacture: The Resource Center (CAGE: 7P200)

Part Number: 8470-00-NSH-0016

NSN: 8470-01-516-8453

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE MBSS General Purpose Pocket w/ Light Holder, 2009 dated


Pocket GP MBSS w/o Light Holder

Manufacture: The Resource Center (CAGE: 7P200)

Part Number: 8470-00-NSH-0015

NSN: 8470-01-516-8454

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE MBSS GP Pocket without Light Holder, 2007 dated


Bandoleer Ammo Pouch

Manufacture: The Resource Center (CAGE: 7P200)

Part Number: 8415-00-NSH-0767

NSN: 8465-01-516-7961

Assign Date: 2004-01-21

FSBE Bandoleer Ammo Pouch, 2007 dated


Pocket, Radio, MBITR

Manufacture: The Resource Center (CAGE: 7P200)

Part Number: 8415-00-NSH-0609

NSN: 8465-01-516-7968

Assign Date: 2004-01-21

FSBE MBITR Radio Pocket, 2007 dated


Pocket, Radio, (SABR)

Manufacture: The Resource Center (CAGE: 7P200)

Part Number: 8415-00-NSH-0607

NSN: 8465-01-516-7969

Assign Date: 2004-01-21

FSBE Sabre Pouch, 2007 dated

Pocket, Flash Bang

Manufacture: The Resource Center (CAGE: 7P200)

Part Number: 8415-00-NSH-0601

NSN: 8465-01-516-8374

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE Flash Bang Pocket, 2005 dated (left) and 2007 dated (right)


Pocket, SEA MK-II

Manufacture: The Resource Center (CAGE: 7P200)

Part Number: 8415-00-NSH-0611

NSN: 8465-01-516-8376

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE SEA MK-II Pocket, 2010 dated


Adaptor, MOLLE Dive Belt

Manufacture: The Resource Center (CAGE: 7P200)

Part Number: 8415-00-NSH-0686

NSN: 8465-01-516-8377

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE MOLLE Dive Belt Adaptor, 2007 dated (left) and 2011 dated (right)


Leg Panel

Manufacture: The Resource Center (CAGE: 7P200)

Part Number: 8415-00-NSH-0615

NSN: 8465-01-516-8368

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE Leg Panel, 2011 dated


Carrier, Modular, 3 Mag M-4A1

Manufacture: The Resource Center (CAGE: 7P200)

Part Number: 8415-00-NSH-0619

NSN: 8465-01-516-8415

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE M-4A1 3 Mag Carrier, 2007 dated


Pouch, Shotgun, Breacher, Assault

Manufacture: The Resource Center (CAGE: 7P200)

Part Number: 8415-00-NSH-0687

NSN: 8465-01-516-8427

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE Assault Breacher Shotgun Shell Pouch, 2011 dated (left) and 2008 dated (right)


Pocket, Ammunition, Mag (Barrett Single)

Manufacture: The Resource Center (CAGE: 7P200)

Part Number: 8415-00-NSH-0604

NSN: 8465-01-516-8428

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

(item acquired)


Pocket, Ammunition, Mag (DMR SR-25)

Manufacture: The Resource Center (CAGE: 7P200)

Part Number: 8415-00-NSH-0605

NSN: 8465-01-516-8430

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE DMR SR-25 Ammunition Pocket, 2010 dated


Bandoleer, ASDK

Manufacture: The Resource Center (CAGE: 7P200)

Part Number: 8415-00-NSH-0603

NSN: 8465-01-516-8432

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE ASDK Bandoleer, 2010 dated


Carrier, Breacher Tool

Manufacture: The Resource Center (CAGE: 7P200)

Part Number: 8415-00-NSH-0688

NSN: 8465-01-516-8433

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE Breacher Tool Carrier, 2012 dated


Panel, 12 Gauge Shotgun, 16 Shell

Manufacture: The Resource Center (CAGE: 7P200)

Part Number: 8415-00-NSH-0606

NSN: 8465-01-516-8443

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

(item acquired)


Pack, Patrol

Manufacture: Eagle Industries (CAGE: 0D1Z5)

Part Number: MC-PP-MS-COY

NSN: 8465-01-516-7959

Assign Date: 2004-01-21

FSBE Patrol Pack, 2007 dated


Hydration System

Manufacture: Eagle Industries (CAGE: 0D1Z5)

Part Number: MC-HP-MS-COY

NSN: 8465-01-516-7960

Assign Date: 2004-01-21

FSBE Hydration System, 2006 dated


Pouch, Frag Grenade, Single

Manufacture: Eagle Industries (CAGE: 0D1Z5)

Part Number: MC-FGC-1-MS-COY

NSN: 8465-01-516-7967

Assign Date: 2004-01-21

FSBE Single Frag Grenade Pouch, 2007 dated


Pouch, SAW, w/ Det. Top

Manufacture: Eagle Industries (CAGE: 0D1Z5)

Part Number: MC-AP-SAW-MS-COY

NSN: 8465-01-516-7973

Assign Date: 2004-01-21

FSBE SAW Pouch with Detachable Top, 2009 dated.
FSBE SAW Pouch, removable top and inner split


Pouch, Ammo, Shotgun, 24RD

Manufacture: Eagle Industries (CAGE: 0D1Z5)

Part Number: MC-AP-SG/24-MS-COY

NSN: 8465-01-516-7960

Assign Date: 2004-01-21

FSBE 24RD Shotgun Ammo Pouch, 2009 dated


Pouch, 1QT Canteen

Manufacture: Eagle Industries (CAGE: 0D1Z5)

Part Number: MC-CTP-1L-MS-COY

NSN: 8465-01-516-7976

Assign Date: 2004-01-21

FSBE 1QT Canteen Pouch, 2009 dated


Pouch, Magazine, M-4, Single/Double

Manufacture: Eagle Industries (CAGE: 0D1Z5)

Part Number: MC-MP1-M4/2-MS-COY

NSN: 8465-01-516-8370

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE M-4 Single/Double Magazine Pouch, 2007 dated


Pouch, Magazine, .45 Single

Manufacture: Eagle Industries (CAGE: 0D1Z5)

Part Number: MC-S45P-MS-COY

NSN: 8465-01-516-8371

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE .45 Single Pouch, 2006 dated


Pouch, Magazine, 9mm Single

Manufacture: Eagle Industries (CAGE: 0D1Z5)

Part Number: MC-MP1-M9/FB1-MS-COY

NSN: 8465-01-516-8372

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE 9mm Single Magazine Pouch, 2009 dated


Bag, E&R

Manufacture: Eagle Industries (CAGE: 0D1Z5)

Part Number: MC-ERB-MS-COY

NSN: 8465-01-516-8380

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE E&R Bag, 2008 dated


Pouch, Smoke Grenade

Manufacture: Eagle Industries (CAGE: 0D1Z5)

Part Number: MC-SGC-1-MS-COY

NSN: 8465-01-516-8382

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE Single Smoke Grenade Pouch, 2007 dated


Carrier, Chemical-Biological Mask

Manufacture: Eagle Industries (CAGE: 0D1Z5)

Part Number: MC-GMC-MS-COY

NSN: 8465-01-516-8383

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE Chemical-Biological Mask Carrier, 2007 dated

Pouch, M-60 Ammo

Manufacture: Eagle Industries (CAGE: 0D1Z5)

Part Number: MC-AP-M60-MS-COY

NSN: 8465-01-516-8384

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE M-60 Ammo Pouch, 2007 dated.


Belt, Catch, Slung Weapon

Manufacture: Eagle Industries (CAGE: 0D1Z5)

Part Number: MC-SWBC-MS-COY

NSN: 8465-01-516-8385

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE Slung Weapon Belt Catcher, 2007 dated


Pouch, Pop Flare, Single

Manufacture: Eagle Industries (CAGE: 0D1Z5)

Part Number: MC-PFC-D-MS-COY

NSN: 8465-01-516-8417

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE Single Pop Flare Pouch, 2007 dated


Pouch, Breacher, MK-54

Manufacture: Eagle Industries (CAGE: 0D1Z5)

Part Number: MC-MK54-BP-MS-COY

NSN: 8465-01-516-8419

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE MK-54 Breacher Pouch, 2008 dated


Pouch, Grenade, 40mm, Single

Manufacture: Eagle Industries (CAGE: 0D1Z5)

Part Number: MC-40MM-1-MS-COY

NSN: 8465-01-516-8426

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE Single 40mm Grenade Pouch, 2004 and 2005 dated


Carrier, Radio, Patrol Pack

Manufacture: Eagle Industries (CAGE: 0D1Z5)

Part Number: MC-PM-RCS-MS-COY

NSN: 8465-01-516-8435

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE Patrol Pack Radio Carrier, 2007 dated


Medic Pouch, Individual (SOF)

Manufacture: Eagle Industries (CAGE: 0D1Z5)

Part Number: MC-MEDP-MS-COY

NSN: 8465-01-521-3530

Assign Date: 2004-06-18

FSBE Individual Medic Pouch, 2010 dated


Carrier, Field Load (SOF)

Manufacture: Eagle Industries (CAGE: 0D1Z5)

Part Number: MC-FLC-MS-COY

NSN: 8465-01-516-8442

Assign Date: 2004-01-22

FSBE Field Load Carrier, 2009 dated


Rhodesian Recon Vest

Manufacture: Eagle Industries (CAGE: 0D1Z5)

Part Number: MC-RRS-V-MS-COY

NSN: 8470-01-516-7966

Assign Date: 2004-01-21

FSBE Rhodesian Recon Vest, 2009 dated


Combat Integrated Releasable Armor System (CIRAS)

Manufacture: Eagle Industries (CAGE: 0D1Z5)

Size-NSN sheet
Size Part Number NSN Assign Date
Small MC-CIRAS-S-MS-COY 8470-01-518-2553 2004-03-05
Medium MC-CIRAS-M-MS-COY 8470-01-518-2557 2004-03-05
Large MC-CIRAS-L-MS-COY 8470-01-518-2559 2004-03-05
X-Large MC-CIRAS-XL-MS-COY 8470-01-518-2563 2004-03-05


FSBE CIRAS, 2010 dated



FSBE CIRAS Ballistic Collar, cover

FSBE CIRAS Groin Protector, cover

FSBE CIRAS Ballistic Collar, ballistic insert

FSBE CIRAS Groin Protector, ballistic insert

Marine FSBE (Coyote Brown) Stock Number Reference

Item NSN Assign Date Kit
KIT, FSBE, INDIVIDUAL CONFIGURATION A 8465-01-518-1441 2004-03-03 (A)
KIT, FSBE, INDIVIDUAL CONFIGURATION B 8465-01-518-1442 2004-03-03 (B)
KIT, FSBE, INDIVIDUAL CONFIGURATION C 8465-01-518-1443 2004-03-03 (C)
KIT, FSBE, PLATOON CONFIGURATION A 8465-01-518-1434 2004-03-03 [A]
KIT, FSBE, PLATOON CONFIGURATION B 8465-01-518-1437 2004-03-03 [B]
KIT, FSBE, PLATOON CONFIGURATION C 8465-01-518-1439 2004-03-03 [C]
KIT, REPAIR, FSBE 8465-01-516-7963 2004-01-21
BAG, KIT 8465-01-516-7955 2004-01-21 (ABC)[ABC]
BANDOLEER AMMO POUCH 8465-01-516-7961 2004-01-21 (ABC)
POCKET, RADIO, MBITR 8465-01-516-7968 2004-01-21 (A)
POCKET, RADIO (SABR) 8465-01-516-7969 2004-01-21 (B)
POCKET, FLASH BANG 8465-01-516-8374 2004-01-22 (AB)[C]
POCKET, SEA MKII 8465-01-516-8376 2004-01-22 (A)
ADAPTOR, MOLLE DIVE BELT 8465-01-516-8377 2004-01-22 (AB)
LEG PANEL 8465-01-516-8368 2004-01-22 (ABC)
CARRIER, MODULAR, 3 MAG M-4A1 8465-01-516-8415 2004-01-22 (A)
POUCH, SHOTGUN, BREACHER ASSAULT 8465-01-516-8427 2004-01-22 [ABC]
POUCH, BARRETT MAGAZINE SINGLE 8465-01-516-8428 2004-01-22 [AC]
POUCH, DMR MAGAZINE, SR-25 8465-01-516-8430 2004-01-22 [ABC]
BANDOLEER, ASDK 8465-01-516-8432 2004-01-22 [AB]
CARRIER, BREACHER TOOL 8465-01-516-8433 2004-01-22 [ABC]
2004-04-14 (A)
2004-04-14 (A)
2004-04-06 (A)
2004-01-22 (A)
MODULAR ASSAULT PACK 8470-01-516-8452 2004-01-22 (A)
POCKET GP MBSS W/LIGHT HOLDER 8470-01-516-8453 2004-01-22 (A)
POCKET GP MBSS W/O LIGHT HOLDER 8470-01-516-8454 2004-01-22 (A)
ADAPTOR, MBSS/RHODESIAN 8470-01-516-8455 2004-01-22 (A)
PANEL, 12 GAUGE SHOTGUN, 16 SHELL 8465-01-516-8443 2004-01-22 [B]
2004-03-05 (A)
RHODESIAN RECON VEST 8470-01-516-7966 2004-01-21 (A)
PACK, PATROL 8465-01-516-7959 2004-01-21 (A)
HYDRATION SYSTEM 8465-01-516-7960 2004-01-21 (ABC)
BAG, E&R 8465-01-516-8380 2004-01-22 (A)
POUCH, FRAG GRENADE, SINGLE 8465-01-516-7967 2004-01-21 (ABC)
POUCH, SAW, W/DET TOP 8465-01-516-7973 2004-01-21 (AB)[ABC]
POUCH, AMMO, SHOTGUN, 24 RDS 8465-01-516-7974 2004-01-21 (AB)
POUCH, 1QT CANTEEN 8465-01-516-7976 2004-01-21 (ABC)
POUCH, MAG, M-4, SINGLE/DOUBLE 8465-01-516-8370 2004-01-22 (ABC)
POUCH, MAGAZINE, 45 SINGLE 8465-01-516-8371 2004-01-22 (A)
POUCH, MAGAZINE, 9MM 8465-01-516-8372 2004-01-22 (B)
POUCH, SMOKE GRENADE 8465-01-516-8382 2004-01-22 (AB)[ABC]
POUCH, M-60 AMMO 8465-01-516-8384 2004-01-22 (ABC)
CARRIER, CHEMICAL-BIOLOGICAL MASK 8465-01-516-8383 2004-01-22 (ABC)
BELT CATCH, SLUNG 8465-01-516-8385 2004-01-22 (ABC)
POUCH, POP FLARE, SINGLE 8465-01-516-8417 2004-01-22 [ABC]
POUCH, BREACHER, MK-54 8465-01-516-8419 2004-01-22 [AB]
POUCH, GRENADE, 40MM, SINGLE 8465-01-516-8426 2004-01-22 [AB]
CARRIER, RADIO, PATROL PACK 8465-01-516-8435 2004-01-22 [ABC]
CARRIER, FIELD LOAD (SOF) 8465-01-516-8442 2004-01-22 [A]
POUCH, MEDICAL, INDIVIDUAL 8465-01-521-3530 2004-06-18 (ABC)
AIR BOTTLE 4220-01-517-2925 2004-02-04 (A)
FLOTATION COLLAR HARNESS 4220-01-517-4157 2004-02-07 (A)
LPU-34 FLOTATION COLLAR 4220-01-517-6883 2004-02-18 (A)
SEA MK II REPAIR KIT 5180-01-519-6925 2004-04-28 [A]
2003-04-04 (A)
MICH LAND COMMS HEADSET (LOW NOISE) 5895-01-476-6124 2000-07-18 (A)[B]
MICH DUAL PTT BOX 5895-01-476-6125 2000-07-18 [B]
MICH SINGLE COMMS, SABER (PTT ONLY) 8465-01-519-6861 2004-04-28 [B]
MICH SINGLE COMMS, PRC-148 (PTT ONLY) 8465-01-519-6862 2004-04-28 [B]
MICH DUAL COMMS PRC CABLE 5995-01-476-6128 2000-07-18 [B]
MICH DUAL COMMS SABER CABLE 5995-01-476-6134 2000-07-18 [B]
MICH HEADSET QUICK DISCONNECT 8465-01-519-6868 2004-04-28 [B]
MICH REPAIR KIT 8470-01-476-2603 2000-07-05 [AB]
MICH RING FINGER PTT 5895-01-495-1608 2002-03-07 [B]
IMPEDANCE BOX, RIGHT HAND POCKET. 5895-01-495-1614 2002-03-07 [B]
SORDIN HIGH NOISE W/BOOM MIKE 8465-01-519-6876 2004-04-28 [B]
SORDIN HEADSET (HIGH NOISE) W/QUICK DISCONNECT 5935-01-517-5293 2004-02-11 (A)
PUSH-TO-TALK (PTT) 5930-01-517-5400 2004-02-11 (A)
EAGLE HEADSET (LOW NOISE) 5965-01-517-4269 2004-02-09 (A)
CABLE, PRC 148 (MARITIME-10 PIN) 5995-01-517-4231 2004-02-09 (A)
CABLE TO PRC148 & ICS P/N: RA2/MK/AP (BACK MOUNT) 5995-01-517-4265 2004-02-09 (A)[A]
CABLE TO NAVAL ROTARY AIRCRAFT (H60) 5995-01-517-5390 2004-02-11 (A)[A]
CABLE TO SOCR BOAT INTERCOM (TDIS) 5995-01-517-4724 2004-02-09 [A]
CABLE TO PTT 6150-01-517-4963 2004-02-10 [A]
CABLE TO BOAT INTERCOM (VIC 3/PBL TCS SSQ-36) 5945-01-517-4986 2004-02-10 [A]
CABLE TO USMC ROTARY AIRCRAFT 5995-01-517-4726 2004-02-09 [A]
CABLE ADAPTER/U-93 5995-01-517-4881 2004-02-10 [A]
ADAPTER/PRC FAMILY 5-PIN PLUG 5995-01-517-4914 2004-02-10 [A]
ADAPTER/ SECOND PRC-148 5995-01-517-5285 2004-02-11 [A]