We got these pouch in set alone with an RRV-like vest (but with buckles on the shoulder straps, like BHI CRCH). All pouches are in olive drab, buckles dated 2002, some of the pouches are slightly different to the issued/commercial ones somehow, and none of then has item name label.
Maybe they were made for trial or movie props propose.
Brand | Eagle Industries |
Item Name | (Trial/Movie Props Pouch Set) |
Color | Olive Drab |
Part Number | N/A |
Date | 2002 (buckle) |
Reference Link | N/A |
M-4 Triple Mag Pouch
Ammo Pouch-Shotgun 12 RDS.
Utility Pouch (MISC)

M-9 Triple Mag Pouch FB Style
Possible P/N: MS-MP3-M9/FB1-OD
Never seen triple M9 mag FB pouch with MOLLE system on catalog or anywhere, only single or double.
1 Quarter Canteen Pouch
Possible P/N: MS-CTP-1L-OD

Frag Grenade Pouch-Single
Possible P/N: MS-FGC-1-OD
Smoke Grenade Pouch-Single
Possible P/N: MS-SGC-1-OD
Pop Flare Pouch-Single Up
Possible P/N: MS-PFC/U-1-OD