Dynamic Load Linkage
Designer & Developer: Beta-TNT
The designation of modular Dynamic Load Linkage (DLL) is mean to diversify the functions of pack’s sling and reduce the cost.
So far following modules have been produced:
- Base Module (modBase.dll). The basic sling module with variable length and interfaces (closed webbing loops for connecting Gatekeeper buckle, the same below) at both ends. It may be in several sizes by its maximum length.
- Extension Module (modExtend.dll). Fix-length sling section module that can extend the length your sling with interface at its ends.
- Releasable Module (modReleasable.dll). Side release buckle pair with interface on both side, implements quick release feature for your sling. Also it may provides convert feature for the sling packs which use side release buckle as connection to its sling.
- Mounting Module (modMount.dll). Reversible 2×2 MOLLE PALS webbing panel with interfaces on its four sides. One side’s PALS webbings are perpendicular to the other side’s.
- Injection Module (modInjection.dll). The most interesting module I’ve designed. It is a combination of two 1×2 Mounting Modules. It features a way to inject any MOLLE pouch which are in 2 MOLLE width or 2 MOLLE height into your sling. Also, it may act as a normal Mounting Module for small pouch.
- Pouch Module (modPouch.dll). Pouches with compatible interfaces on its sides backside.
- Hook Terminal Module (modTerminalHook.dll). It converts an interface into a hook, usually to connecting to the bottom of the pack.
- Ring Terminal Module (modTerminalRing.dll). Similar to the hook terminal, not hook but a D-ring. It may be used as a bifurcation point for stabilizer strap, or a joint in your sling for two portions which are in different specifications.
- Multi-functionality and great expansibility.
- Easy to stock up material. It needs only standard webbings and hardware that you can purchase from the market directly.
- Easy to make. Needs only normal plain sewing machine, better with bar tack sew machine.
- Acts well in compatibility. DLL can be used with sling pack, messenger bag or courier bag which has detachable sling or shoulder strap without destructive modification.

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