Eagle Industries Knife Sheath Deluxe (OD, 1995)

(Description from achieved official web store)

The Knife Sheath Deluxe has an insert made of two layers of rolled hawk plastic. The KS-D is made to be worn on a belt, web gear, or with an optional leg strap and extender, the KS-D can be integrated into the SAS system. Also, a leg tie down strap comes with every KS-D.


This sheath comes from a loadout of Broken Arrow the movie, Kelly (Howie Long) used it in the action.

Brand Eagle Industries
Item Name Knife Sheath Deluxe
Color Olive Drab
Part Number KS-D-OD
Date 1995
Reference Link http://www.eagleindustries.com/subpages/sheath/knife/ksd.htm (Outdated)

Item provided by G.I.’s friend.