NSN Reference Part 2: NCB Code

NCB stands for National Codification Bureau. The NCB is the organisation, typically a government agency, in charge of maintaining the NCS database within a given country.

Country NCB Code
USA 00 / 01
Unassigned (USA) 02 ~ 10
NATO-standard items 11
West Germany / Germany 12
Belgium 13
France 14
Italy 15
Czechoslovakia / Czech Republic 16
Netherlands 17
South Africa 18
Brazil 19
Canada 20 / 21
Denmark 22
Greece 23
Iceland 24
Norway 25
Portugal 26
Turkey 27
Luxembourg 28
Argentina 29
Japan 30
Israel 31
Singapore 32
Spain 33
Malaysia 34
Thailand 35
Egypt 36
Republic of Korea 37
Estonia 38
Romania 39
Slovakia 40
Austria 41
Slovenia 42
Poland 43
United Nations-standard items 44
Indonesia 45
Philippines 46
Lithuania 47
Fiji 48
Tonga 49
Bulgaria 50
Hungary 51
Chile 52
Croatia 53
Republic of Macedonia 54
Latvia 55
Oman 56
Russian Federation 57
Finland 58
Albania 59
Kuwait 60
Ukraine 61
Morocco 63
Sweden 64
Papua, New Guinea 65
Australia 66
Afghanistan 67
Georgia 68
Saudi Arabia 70
United Arab Emirates 71
India 72
Serbia 73
Pakistan 74
Bosnia-Herzegovina 75
Brunei Darussalam 76
Montenegro 77
Jordan 78
Peru 79
Colombia 80
New Zealand 98
United Kingdom 99


Source: Wikipedia